Make your management system work for you in 3 easy steps

Many organisations have a quality (or environment, or safety) management system. That’s a great thing- it’s like the hidden helper and decision-maker to make our work lives easier. But I bet you’ve sometimes felt like the system rules your life, rather than you ruling the system. How did it get to be this way? More …read more »

Corrective action under the microscope

When you get a wicked problem, do you just throw your hands in the air and give up? What about those problems that simply won’t go away? Or the dreaded negative findings in an external audit report, like a NATA report? Let me help you understand this better with a classic example of a problem …read more »

Bad Blood

As that iconic philosopher Taylor Swift reminds us, when behaviour and communication go bad in the workplace, it can mean some Bad Blood. We’re often subject to human foibles like Liam’s loud chewing. Or Lauren’s leg jiggling when she talks. Or Lachlan’s tendency to use the word “like” in every sentence. Plus, it’s possible that …read more »

Measurement Uncertainty: More than just the numbers

How many times have you laboured away at doing Measurement Uncertainty, wondering what’s the point, besides ticking the NATA box? Do you even know what you’re doing in the first place? Well, the good news is that there is a point beyond simply complying with accreditation requirements, There are so many more things to MU …read more »

Plan for success

  It’s been said that failing to plan is planning to fail. But sometimes we’re paralysed by the prospect of getting started and the time it takes to plan. Besides, there’s that other adage of “the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry”. So you can only take these sayings with a grain …read more »

Impartiality: passing the Pub Test

written by Maree Stuart A while back, there was quite a stir about the Federal Government’s program for funding of commuter carparks. Under the Urban Congestion Fund (UCF), established in the 2018–19 Budget, the Commonwealth sought to ‘support projects to remediate pinch points, improve traffic safety and increase network efficiency for commuter and freight movements in …read more »

Solving your communication catastrophes

You might have heard about the latest Sydney-centric communication stuff-up. It involves the Spaghetti Junction of the Rozelle Interchange. One reason for the traffic chaos came from poor signage. This miscommunication meant that there were extraordinary traffic jams and hours of lost productivity! It shows how a lack of communication can lead to frustration. It’s …read more »

Making your internal audits meaningful not mediocre

The recent renewed focus on the quality of audits performed by the Big 4 accounting and audit firms has put a spotlight on audit outcomes and reporting. While the focus has been on pesky financial audits, there are plenty of subjects that are covered by audits. The topics can be wide-ranging and include audits of …read more »

The Essential Lab Guide to QC

written by Maree Stuart I had a conversation with someone recently where we discussed what was meant by the concept “Quality”. The discussion quickly reached the subject of quality control and it was clear that there was a lack of understanding of what this term meant.   We recently wrote about Quality Basics and included some …read more »

New Year Resolutions

written by Maree Stuart Do you make new year’s resolutions each year? A survey found that in 2022, just 23% of survey participants intended to make new year’s resolutions. The most popular resolutions for 2022 were living healthier (23%), personal improvement and happiness (21%), and losing weight (20%). Anyway, who really cares? By the time we …read more »

12 Days of a Lab Christmas – Day 12

written by Maree Stuart As we head into the silly season we are delighted to present: The MAS Management Systems 12 Days of a Lab Christmas! On the twelfth day of Christmas we had a NATA assessment For many lab folk, the prospect of a NATA assessment is the stuff of nightmares. If you’re a little …read more »

12 Days of a Lab Christmas – Day 5

written by Maree Stuart As we head into the silly season, we’re delighted to present: The MAS Management Systems 12 Days of a Lab Christmas! On the fifth day of Christmas, we did our management review with our business planning session. Huh? You mean we can do a management review not just to tick the accreditation …read more »

5 secrets for successful risk management

written by Maree Stuart The world can be a risky place! With claims by Mark Bouris who says Australia runs the risk of “going overboard” and pushing interest rates too high next year, and ongoing risks to our personal data and privacy through data breaches, we’re besieged by warnings about the present and the future. Those …read more »

Happy World Quality Week!

written by Maree Stuart It’s World Quality Week and this year’s theme is “Quality Conscience: Doing the right thing”. It’s a good opportunity to pause for thought. What does it mean to act with a “Quality Conscience”? Our conscience is our moral sense of right and wrong. We develop this from birth, with influence from our …read more »

Measurement Uncertainty isn’t just about the numbers

written by Maree Stuart Being Budget Week, the talk has been all about the number. A billion here, several million there. It’s all a bit eye-watering. Luckily our numbers for measurement uncertainty (MU) are usually not as large as these kinds of figures. It does make me wonder, what does the MU look like for a …read more »

The best kept secrets to GCP (Good Compliance Practice)

written by Maree Stuart Compliance is big news! The woes of Optus following its data breach keep on coming. And we can look forward to investigations by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner and ACMA to help understand why this breach of data security requirements occurred. Hopefully, we’ll also get some insights into how these …read more »

The Lab Manager Conversations part seven – Quality

We’ve been speaking to lab managers and leaders about their roles and their challenges. These conversations have been collated into a series of articles that will probably resonate not only with lab leaders, but those across other businesses as well. While their pathways may have been somewhat different, all our respondents have clocked up well …read more »

The Lab Manager Conversations part three – Development

We’ve been speaking to lab managers and leaders about their roles and challenges. These conversations have been collated into a series of articles that will probably resonate not only with lab leaders, but those across other businesses as well. While their pathways may have been somewhat different, all our respondents have clocked up well over …read more »

Does your lab face these 5 ISO/IEC 17025 challenges?

Even the best labs can find themselves floundering a bit when external audit or assessment time rolls around. As consultants and mentors, we’ve visited a LOT of client’s labs over the years. And although each lab faces different challenges, we’ve found that there are a few issues that regularly crop up that can lead to …read more »

Process improvements for productivity

written by Maree Stuart Since accredited or certified labs have solid systems in place, you could be forgiven for thinking there’s nothing much else that needs to be done. After all, your existing business processes are tried and true and mean that you can navigate those accreditation or certification visits relatively unscathed. But (there’s always a …read more »

Are you drowning in documents?

Imagine having all the documents you deal with in a week piled on your desk. If you were to include print outs of your work and personal emails the pile would probably be too high to see over! Clearly, you’re not going to do this (no time, waste of trees) but thinking about that pile …read more »

Why do we celebrate World Accreditation Day?

Every week there’s a special day to celebrate or cause to acknowledge. These range from important causes such as Breast and Prostate Cancer Awareness to those a little more left of field like National Sea Monkey Day (it was 15 May if you’re wondering). These days are useful for raising the profile or drawing attention …read more »


In our last article we looked at why you need a training plan and what you should consider when developing one. This week, we’re looking at the best ways to deliver that knowledge. Training isn’t a one-off event. It’s a continuous process that requires monitoring and upgrading as your business environment changes. Professional development isn’t a …read more »

World Metrology Day

We enjoy any opportunity to celebrate significant dates on the scientific calendar, but World Metrology Day continues to be a favourite. Not only because we run a Measurement Uncertainty training course on this day. But also because metrology plays such a central role in scientific discovery and innovation. This year’s theme is Metrology in the …read more »

Marvin’s Guide to Quality – part one

written by Maree Stuart In the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Marvin the Paranoid Android is a robot and has a ‘brain the size of a planet’, but he is seldom asked to use this capability. Instead, people ask him to perform simple tasks, like opening doors and picking up pieces of paper. Back in the …read more »

Protecting your lab from today’s bandits

written by Maree Stuart You might remember the famous case where David Bowie and Queen took Vanilla Ice (or Robert Van Winkle as he is legally known) to court for copyright infringement of their song ‘Under Pressure’. Van Winkle had quite clearly sampled the classic bassline to Under Pressure. However, he famously insisted that the two …read more »

5 proven tips for accreditation mastery

Those gurus that promise your lab will obtain accreditation (or re-accreditation) in seven days or less are like those recipes that tell you caramelised onions will only take five minutes. It just isn’t going to happen. We’ve certainly assisted clients to obtain accreditation quickly. This meant that with a lot of work, focus and effort, …read more »

An end to Measurement Uncertainty?

What if we told you that you’ll never have to do Measurement Uncertainty again? Would there be cheering? Balloons and streamers? Morris dancing in the halls? While we’d like to witness such unbridled joy (although perhaps not the Morris dancing…) unfortunately it’s not going to happen. And that’s because Measurement Uncertainty (MU) is a vital …read more »

Retiring? Re-selling? Read these tips first!

written by Maree Stuart It happens to everyone eventually. That’s right, the ‘R’ word … Retirement. If you’re lucky enough to be the owner of your lab the possibility of lazing somewhere unencumbered by the worries of cash flows, BAS, HR management and the like is a great dream. But if you’re looking to sell your …read more »

The critical role traceability plays in your lab

Whether you’re a NATA accredited lab in an assessment or going through a certification audit, it’s highly likely that there will be a discussion about metrological traceability. In fact, most labs will understand that there is a need to compare results over time or between different batches or laboratories. Metrological traceability enables tracking back to …read more »


written by Maree Stuart It’s a new school term and that means it won’t be long before students receive their next report card. If your lab were to receive a report card, how do you think you’d do? Hopefully it won’t look like this! When it comes to labs, you already know it’s important to stay …read more »

Risk appetite – how hungry are you?

written by Maree Stuart When we think of risk and risk management, we often first ponder how we get rid of it. Indeed, in the COVID-19 Pandemic, many Australians, and governments, have shown themselves to be a very risk-averse lot! In contrast, some have shown themselves to be really tolerant of health risks in comparison with …read more »

ISO/IEC 17025 – where does your lab get stuck?

While no longer the ‘new’ version of the Standard, when the 2017 version of ISO/IEC 17025 was released there was quite a bit of anxiety about the changes and how they should be implemented. This was particularly the case for NATA accredited labs whose first assessment visits after the standard was implemented were sometimes nerve …read more »

NATA accreditation – do you really need it? 

We all know that lab owners and managers have plenty to do and lots to think about. Juggling the daily needs of the business can be enough to fill your day. Setting aside time to make long term plans feels like a luxury you can’t afford. So perhaps you’ve been thinking that if you didn’t …read more »

Mission critical: staff training for business growth

Did you know one of your colleagues breeds chickens? And another one fosters dogs? And of course, there’s the one with four school age children. While these are interesting titbits, all these people have skills that help them in the workplace. This includes attention to detail, compassion, negotiating skills and LOTS of patience! At MAS, …read more »

5 steps to risk management success

No doubt you’ve read through the ISO/IEC 17025 standards plenty of times and you’ve seen an increased emphasis on risk-based thinking. We’ve written articles previously about risk management and discussed how the requirements need you to look at risks in a more formalised and strategic way. Since it’s not prescribed HOW this should happen, some …read more »

There’s a fraction too much friction

Ever since caveman days we’ve relied on others to ensure positive outcomes. Heading out on your own to grab a mammoth because you felt like a steak would have ended in a swift and probably painful death. Being on Zoom or Teams meetings means we’ve forgotten all our colleagues’ little quirks. As we’re slowly emerging …read more »

Getting to the root of the problem

It’s Friday morning and as you walk out of your front door, you look up and think what a beautiful day it is. The overnight rain has left the air crisp and fresh. Stepping out onto the path, your foot slips on wet leaves and you feel yourself falling. You put your hand out to …read more »

Is your NATA accreditation in danger?

We’ve written previously about your quality system. We’ve addressed training and internal auditing and how to be sure your QMS is up to scratch. But we also know that sometimes things can start to go wrong in a lab. And these are things that could lead to a lot of issues in your next assessment …read more »

Making your internal audits meaningful not mediocre

Evidence of auditing has been discovered dating from the fourth millennium BC. Scribes in Mesopotamia kept records on clay tablets, some of which showed tiny marks beside the figures. These dots, ticks and circles indicate that checking of the records had been done. While we still use tablets today, generally they’re the electronic kind (if …read more »

Show me the records!

At MAS, we’ve been part of and carried out hundreds of NATA assessments. It doesn’t take long before you start to see a pattern. You begin to see the same issues emerging and learn just where a lab is going to come unstuck. Labs know that preparing for their assessment is critical. But labs are …read more »

The Star Wars guide to good practice in a lab

There so much ‘stuff’ that goes on in a lab. People are busy, they’ve got important jobs to do. And all these questions and requirements about compliance and needing information and good practice! Honestly, what’s the point? That’s why you need information from someone who has presence. Someone with authority and The Force to back …read more »

Temperature Controls achieves NATA accreditation!

It took just over two years, but on 10 August 2021, Temperature oControls were thrilled to finally be granted NATA accreditation! Considering the restrictions placed on businesses during The Time of Covid, this achievement is even more noteworthy. The beginnings Temperature oControls began in 1988, originally focussing on producing temperature and level sensors for industrial …read more »

Let’s talk about NATA accreditation

Our guidance document Navigating the NATA accreditation maze was written to provide an overview of the NATA accreditation process. However, we thought that a little more detail would be helpful if you’re looking to start down this path. And for those labs already holding NATA accreditation, there’s some hints for you as well. Know your …read more »

5 TOP TIPS for presenting Measurement Uncertainty

Eccentric business owners. Cantankerous managers. Agitated lab staff. Confused clients. As consultants, we’ve seen it all (well most of it anyway…). However, by far the most consistent issue we’ve come across is confusion about measurement uncertainty (MU). Often, a business will approach us after an accreditation body (AB) such as NATA has rejected their MU …read more »

Impartiality: passing the Pub Test

written by Maree Stuart If you’ve been keeping up with the news, you’ll have noticed quite a stir about the Federal Government’s program for funding of commuter carparks. Under the Urban Congestion Fund (UCF), established in the 2018–19 Budget, the Commonwealth sought to ‘support projects to remediate pinch points, improve traffic safety and increase network efficiency …read more »

How to keep NATA happy

We know you’re busy. For business owners or managers, there’s always plenty of juggling to be done. And with Covid restrictions thrown into the mix, you’d be forgiven for thinking that keeping an Accreditation Body happy is the last thing on your mind! However, we also know that keeping your business processes and procedures up …read more »

Preparing for your assessment

You’ve received the notification. Your assessment is coming up in two weeks and the team will be arriving at 8:30am on the day. Deep cleansing breaths. With a bit of preparation, assessment day may not be a breeze, but you’ll definitely feel in control. Being prepared shows your assessment team that your organisation is professional …read more »

Changing your mind about risk management

“Opportunity and risk come in pairs” Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom Risk isn’t a chore to wade through a few times a year. As the quote above says, it can be something positive and goes hand-in-hand with opportunities. Many different companies share similar risks, like a poor economic outlook over the short-term (well, …read more »

Shhh it’s a secret – confidentiality in the lab

We’ve all heard the expression knowledge is power. In the hands of cybercriminals, knowledge is also big business. In a lab setting, it’s understood that keeping information safe and secure is in the best interests of clients and your business. If you hold accreditation or certification, it’s also a requirement of the standard. ISO standards …read more »

Supercharge your systems!

Many organisations have a quality (or environment, or safety) management system. If you’re in one of these organisations, then I bet you’ve sometimes felt like the ‘system’ rules your life, rather than you ruling the system. How did it get to be this way? More importantly, how can you change this? It probably got to …read more »

5 powerful ways a consultant can help your business

How many times have you heard the expression ‘two heads are better than one’? Or heard someone bemoan the fact that they could do with an extra pair of hands. By using a business consultant, you can add an extra brain and another pair of hands without getting bogged down in the process of a …read more »

How did THAT happen??

There are some things you never want to hear. Words like “uh oh” from your hairdresser when they’re standing behind you during a haircut. Or “I’ve never seen THAT before” when your doctor is looking at an x-ray. Or perhaps a guilty-looking family member asking, “How much did you like that (extremely valuable fragile item) …read more »

Manual adjustments

Ah, the start of a new year. Our resolutions are still fresh and crispy (like the salads we’ve committed to eat more of this year…). We have new calendars and wall planners, just waiting for the imprints of our fabulous new year. But before you leap into the year ahead, there’s a couple of things …read more »

The 5 whys of ISO/IEC 17025

As any accredited lab will know, understanding ISO/IEC 17025 is a critical part of how your lab operates. From developing your quality manual to sending out reports to your customers, the process is clearly defined, simple to follow and easy to implement. Right? Well…judging by the number of ‘help with ISO/IEC 17025 courses’ available, maybe …read more »

50 Shades of….Measurement Uncertainty

Measurement Uncertainty. OK, we understand that this isn’t the sexiest of topics. In fact, it probably isn’t something that makes it through your front door, let alone into the bedroom! However, if you’re running a lab, Measurement Uncertainty (MU) is something you should know about in all its shades of grey. Let’s take a look …read more »

What’s a quality management system and do you need it?

According to the American Society for Quality website a quality management system (QMS) is defined as: ‘…a formalized system that documents processes, procedures, and responsibilities for achieving quality policies and objectives. A QMS helps coordinate and direct an organization’s activities to meet customer and regulatory requirements and improve its effectiveness and efficiency on a continuous …read more »

More tips for remote assessments

It’s been a few months since our last article about carrying out remote assessments. Although everyone has improved with experience, there are still new things we’re discovering. During a recent webinar with our friends at the RACI Pharmaceutical Science Group, we picked up these tips and wanted to share them with you. And if you  …read more »

Risky Business – risk management for labs

We know that businesses often walk a tightrope between what must be done and what’s possible with the tools and resources they have available. This includes implementing risk management processes. Labs face a particular set of challenges with compliance and maintaining  NATA accreditation while still remaining competitive and viable. We’ve put together this list of …read more »

November 2020 saw NATA accreditation transition to ISO/IEC 17025:2017

November 2020 saw NATA accreditation transition to ISO/IEC 17025:2017. While the majority of labs have already made alterations to their processes, we did a review of the changes in the new version. Many organisations  base their business decisions on information and results provided by laboratories. It is critical that the sampling, testing and calibration activities carried …read more »

Putting together the Measurement Uncertainty puzzle

We hear it from laboratories all the time (quite often accompanied by an eye-roll or a groan!). Measurement Uncertainty (MU) is something that laboratories do because they have to. Because ISO 17025 and ISO 15189 say so. And, of course, because NATA says so. Every measurement is subject to some uncertainty. That’s why the MU process …read more »

5 Top Tips – how to prepare for remote assessments

The move to carrying out lab assessments remotely has been sudden, with little time for transition. However, considering the cost and time savings, carrying out assessments this way could become the new normal. Maree Stuart, Principal of MAS Management Systems, recently went through this process with one of our clients and shares her experiences. “With …read more »

7 tips for choosing the Right Consultant

As I sit here watching the British Conservatives announce their next leader, I got to thinking. How do you know you are choosing the right person for the job? It’s a very important task and one that requires a lot of consideration. Choosing the right consultant to help you realise your objectives and dreams for …read more »

5 tips for negotiations

Summer time is now officially ended in Australia. Over the summer, I had some time to reflect on what summer means. For me, it means holidays, sun, sand, surf, family time, different surroundings and new neighbours. As we normally do, we had a camping trip down the coast and so summer also means negotiating over …read more »

Your Guide to Reading Standards and Finding Loop Holes

The laboratory shall, if relevant, to the extent necessary, maintain records of competence to read standards. Understood? Deciphering these kinds of phrases in standards is not easy. Learning to read and understand them is like learning a new language. But once you get the hang of it, a whole new world of interpretation opens up. …read more »

Corrective action under the microscope

Are your laboratory’s problems prone to re-surface over and over again? Are you spending most of your valuable time and resources tackling a recurring problem in preparation for an audit? You may be convinced that your answers are ‘THE’ solutions to the problems identified in your lab. But perhaps it’s time you took a closer …read more »

What to expect when you’re expecting….a NATA audit

So you’re facing a NATA audit and it’s being done to the new 17025. You’ve probably read various bits and pieces online that have given you an idea about the significant changes. An ISO 9001-friendly structure, new emphasis on impartiality, confidentiality and customer complaints, decision rules, and a lot of stuff about risk management. A …read more »

ISO 17025:2017 transitions made easy

  ISO 17025:2017. You can see it looming ahead of you. You vaguely know that there’s some change you have to grapple with. Or perhaps you might have already been through an assessment to the new standard. The question is, how do you conquer the NATA ISO 17025:2017 beast? You know, the Titanic hit the …read more »

3 more ways to make your management system work for you

In my last article, I talked about how you can take steps to simplify your management system. But as a true systems expert, I like to deal with the root cause of a complex problem. The other cause of the creation of a management system is a failure to critically analyse feedback from auditors and …read more »

3 easy steps – make your management system work for you

Many organisations have a quality (or environment, or safety) management system. If you’re in one of these organisations, then I bet you’ve sometimes felt like the system rules your life, rather than you ruling the system. How did it get to be this way? More importantly, how can you change it? It probably got to …read more »

3 ways measurement help us to get around

  It’s a nice, sunny Sunday afternoon and you’ve decided to take a drive. So you hop in your car and off you go. But I bet you’ve never given a thought to how metrology helps you do this.   Let’s take the physical car itself Your car is made so that it can actually …read more »

How to make NATA happy about your calibrations

The NATA equipment tables might be on their way out! Who will tell me how often to check my gizmo? So, you’ve been minding your own business and just doing as NATA says to do for equipment calibrations for years.  Now they tell you that you might have to work out your own calibration frequencies and ‘prove’ that …read more »