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NATA accreditation – do you really need it? 

NATA accreditation can be time consumingWe all know that lab owners and managers have plenty to do and lots to think about.

Juggling the daily needs of the business can be enough to fill your day. Setting aside time to make long term plans feels like a luxury you can’t afford.

So perhaps you’ve been thinking that if you didn’t have all this NATA accreditation compliance stuff to deal with it would free up some time.

Well, maybe it would. But let’s look at some reasons why this could also be bad idea…

Keeping up to standard

Let’s say you ditch the accreditation visits and the flurry of activity that goes with it. But what will you stop doing if those accreditation checks don’t happen? Ditch the internal audits? Throw out your system checks? How about crossing annual management reviews off your list?

Of course not! To maintain confidence in your business, you need to maintain confidence in your processes. And that means confidence from the point of view of both your staff and your customers. But being caught up in the everyday means it’s possible to lose objectivity on what you’re doing.

The bonus from those accreditation visits is getting that external perspective, an extra pair of eyes. It will increase confidence in your business and its ability to produce reliable results.

Plus, the Technical Assessor who is part of those visits may provide a different perspective on your activities, one you hadn’t considered. You may not implement an opinion or option voiced during an assessment. However, this kind of independent peer review is extremely valuable in supporting the growth and improvement of your business.

Keeping up your systems

NATA accreditation systemThe accreditation process will also give you clarity on how your systems are performing.

The NATA accreditation team doesn’t just explain where your systems need improvement, they also tell you what you’re doing right.

This means that you won’t waste time and resources on reviewing areas that comply with standards. Instead, you can focus your energy (and money) into those parts of your system that need work.

Again, this is valuable feedback that can make a big difference to improvements in your business.

Keeping up with the competition

NATA accreditation may not be mandatory in your industry. But having the ability to put their logo on your website and in your marketing materials is definitely a credibility boost for your business. Even if accreditation isn’t an industry requirement, leading that charge and becoming accredited will also demonstrate that your business is serious about quality.

NATA accreditation global recognitionSince NATA accreditation is globally recognised, your business could have an edge over others that have decided the process is too difficult to be worth the bother. That credibility could allow you to access public sector organisations (which often require accreditation credentials) and international markets you hadn’t previously considered. And of course, it’s possible you can increase your prices because of the increased prestige.

Your staff too will have a sense of pride in achieving NATA accreditation. After all, it’s their hard work that’s led to gaining that endorsement!

In terms of business growth, having an excellent management system framework in place will give you the best foundation for success. As your business grows, that framework means you’ll be able to manage that growth while still maintaining the highest quality standards.

Of course, from time to time there could be issues with NATA but that’s when MAS Management’s support will be of benefit. We can help put NATA’s advice into practice. Or we can communicate with them if there are areas you don’t agree with or are having trouble implementing.

How else can we help?

We understand the needs of a lab and running a business so we can be there at every step of the process.

This includes discussing with you exactly what your goals are from your NATA accreditation. Our gap analysis and system audit will ensure that when the assessment team arrives, they see the very best version of your system.

We also have a range of focussed training courses to support you and your staff. You can ensure everyone’s skills are up to scratch by attending our measurement uncertainty, internal audits, and root cause analysis training well before your assessment. Additionally, you can read more about ISO 17025 in our complete guide.

And of course, we can be there on assessment day to support your team and, if necessary, advocate on your behalf.

So before your ditch your accreditation, email info@masmanagementsystems.com.au to arrange a confidential discussion or phone Maree on 0411 540 709.

Remember, you don’t have to do this alone!

Download the article NATA accreditation do you really need it?

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